Tuesday, 1 January 2013

PENANG Teochew Chendol “si pek ho liao” even an Eskimo can’t resist

Tunglang's choice of 30's-60's Penang Teochew Chendol

1930’s-60’s Teochew Chendol,
slippery green chendol jelly - cold as ice yet irresistible,
sweet & fragrant punch of coconut milk + palm sugar syrup,
fat chompy ang tau (red kidney beans), a must-have keh liao,
shaved Eskimo s’ng (ice) that kills all tropical fever & thirsts,
the secret recipe = heavenly chendol + ang tau served
cold, sweet & thirsty-tasty,
bowl-drying licking good to the last thirst for more 
Teochew Chendol.   “Si pek ho liao!”

76 years of authentic Teochew Chendol served at the same street corner since 1936. 
A recipe from father to siblings, it has become a branded icon of Ori-Maestro 
street hawker desserts as renowned as Penang’s UNESCO heritage site.

Tham Chiak Kui Waterhole: Beside Joo Hooi Cafe at the junction of Jalan Penang & Lebuh Keng Kwee.
Dining in comfort @ nearby ‘jungle-green’ shophouse. Serves from 10am & dries up before 7.30pm.